UPDATE:  Feb 22, 2006


Here's a summary of current USAFA Space Education and Training activities for the AOG Space Group, prepared by Lt Col Dave Swanson:


 -  Cadet Life - The development of a Space Club, holding Space professional mixers yearly for those cadets selected to enter the Space and Missile career field, the creation of Space silhouettes within cadet sleeping quarters, inclusion of a display within the visitor center on cadet Space activities, a plan to install a FalconSAT-2 display in the visitor center after launch, and plans to obtain a Titan IV launch vehicle core for permanent display on the Hill.  Maybe one day, after the Space Shuttles are decommissioned we can install a static display of one at the south entrance.  

 -  Leadership - The SWG and efforts to involve our faculty and staff in Space. 

 -  Education - Within the Dean of the Faculty, USAFA has been addressing Space for years.  Recently, Col Head as the Vice Dean commissioned a study to determine how Space was integrated into the curriculum.  The FalconOPS program offers satellite command and control experience to cadets while supporting academic educational outcomes with DF.  The Space Operations Education Laboratory (SOEL) is nearing completion and will soon offer Space knowledge to cadets enrolled in MSS 100 and MSS 400.  The History Department's November 2006 symposium will be on Space.  The Center for Space and Defense Policy, created by the Department of Political Science in 2005 held its first Space and Defense Policy forum and plans to publish a reference text on the subject in late summer 2006.  The Departments of Physics and Astronautics continue to offer research level experiences to our cadets through the Space and Atmospheric Research Center (SPARC) and the Space Systems Research Center (SSRC).

- Training - Deemed Project AIM HIGHER, training is the newest foray into Space at USAFA.  It leverages off the initiatives and facilities that already exists within DF. 

         -- BSA: For two summers, our 4* cadets have been required to attend a Basic Space Awareness Day (BSA) held during "dead week"--cadets are given a briefing by a noteworthy General Officer Space professional. A exhibition hall is created as Space units and contractors are invited to setup booths to display various Space capabilities.

         -- GE: Last summer ('05), 34EG integrated a one hour talk on Space into Global Engagement.  The talk concluded with a navigation exercise using GPS receivers.

         -- SPSP: Last summer ('05), ~130 cadets were enrolled in a 10-day Space Power Summer Program (SPSP).  Those enrolled in the program toured local Space facilities and exposed cadets to Space missions and facilities.  The highlight of SPSP was a tour of missile systems at F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming. The SPSP will be held again this year and may include a Space for All (SfA) experience wherein cadets will learn about FalconSAT and complete orientation passes within the FalconSAT ground station.

         -- SOEL: While the SOEL is only now coming online, plans are to include the SOEL experience into Space summer programs.  FalconOPS gives cadets a look at tactical Space operations, the SOEL will give them an operational view of Space.

- External Organizations:  The SWG has made contact with various external groups to include the AOG, AFSPC, and NASA.  These are the most difficult initiatives to create and therefore are taking the most time to forge.  Since summer 05 we have been talking to NASA to determine how we can give our cadets a better understanding of civil Space.  So too, we would like to give NASA employees a better understanding of military Space.  More recently, DFAS, the 21st Space Wing and the 50th Space Wing are working to create an MOU so that young Space professionals might interact with our cadets in the classroom and in summer training. 


USAFA Cadet Space Badge

How did this badge come about?

            To support the Commandant’s and Dean’s Space Education and Training initiatives, the USAFA Space Working Group (SWG) developed a program called Aim Higher to expose cadets to operational space.  The program was briefed and accepted by the Superintendent, Lt Gen Rosa.  In support of the program cadet badges were identified to signify advancement in the Aim Higher program much like the aviation badges are earned and worn currently by the cadets.

What is the badge for?

            The badge is used to identify progression of cadets through the Aim Higher program.  As a cadet demonstrates an increase in their understanding and skill of Space, they will be awarded a higher level of badge.  It begins at the basic level with 4 degree cadets receiving basic information through Basic Space Awareness Days and taking a basic orientation class in either the FalconOPS ground station or the SOEL (future).   Those wishing to commit to learning more can eventually become certified in the FalconSAT ground station or eventually in the SOEL.  Further progression would involve becoming instructors, evaluators or assuming a leadership role in the Cadet Space Operations Squadron that runs the ground station and eventually the SOEL.

What does a cadet need to do to be able to wear it?

            Basic Cadet Space Badge:        

- Attend the annual Basic Space Awareness Days held during the summer transition week

- Pass the basic satellite command and control orientation AKA Space for All

- and in the future, we intend to add "Complete one simulation in the SOEL during the MSS 100 course"


            Senior Cadet Space Badge:       

- Award of Basic Space Badge

- Become certified as a Ground Station Crew Member or certified as a SOEL Crew Member


            Command Cadet Space Badge: 

- Award of Senior Space Badge

- One of the following:

-- Ground Station or SOEL Crew Commander Certification

-- Falcon OPS Instructor or Evaluator

-- SOEL Instructor or Evaluator

-- Member of the Cadet Space Operations Squadron(CSOPS) leadership

From Jim Burling:  Just so you know. The cadet space badge is the latest thing I worked with Dave. I worked the procurement, wrote all the guidance, etc for the Air Force's new Space Badge. Equal in precedence to pilot/nav wings. Very distinctive and rigorous awarding criteria. This badge will not be handed out just willy-nilly; each level will be earned. First badge where basic, senior, and command (note command similar to pilot wings, not the term "master") are tied to the Space Professional Certification Program. Dave applied much of the same rigor to the cadet badge...plus a good connection to the USAF space badge. Cadets will have to earn their version, too, as you can see by the criteria Dave developed.    Jim 


 2006 USAFA Space History Symposium

The History Department sponsors a triennial military history symposium, and I am this year’s director.  The 21st Military History Symposium, “Harnessing the Heavens: National Defense through Space,” will be held here at the Academy on 1-3 Nov 06.  Invited participants, both academicians and practitioners, will explore a variety of topics ranging from reconnaissance satellites and the early militarization of space to foreign perspectives and space policy.  Registration will be open to the public, but will particularly target those with an historic or professional interest in space.  I will ensure that you receive a personal invitation as the event approaches, but please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like more detailed information.  We rely extensively on AOG funds for this symposium series, and value your organization’s ongoing support.



Asst Prof and Deputy for Military History

Phone: (719) 333-8534