Testimony of
Under Secretary of the Air Force
The Honorable Peter B. Teets
Senate Armed Services Committee
Hearing on National Security Space Programs
March 12, 2003
It is my distinct honor to appear before the Committee
today representing the world's greatest air and space force, and to join my
operational counterpart regarding space activities, Admiral James Ellis,
Commander, US Strategic Command. You have previously heard from the Secretary
of the Air Force and the Chief of Staff about the state of affairs of the Air
Force as a whole. The "Top 4" of the Air Force -- the Secretary, the
Chief of Staff, the Vice Chief and I -- are of one mind regarding our
collective vision of a total air and space force providing global reconnaissance
and strike across the full spectrum of operations in the service of this great
nation. Given the focus of this committee, and my role in overseeing National
Security Space activities as Under Secretary of the Air Force and Director of
the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), I will concentrate my remarks today
on the eight priorities I have set for our National Security Space efforts for
2003. These priorities serve to shape the FY04 budget for our space programs,
and -- as they are all important to our space efforts -- they do not have any
particular ranked order. They are (1) ensure mission success in space
operations, (2) fully integrate space capabilities for warfighting and national
intelligence, (3) get space acquisition programs on track, (4) pursue operationally
responsive assured access to space, (5) develop a team of space professionals,
(6) pursue innovative capabilities for national intelligence and defense
priorities, (7) enhance space control capabilities, and (8) focus space science
and technology resources and programs.
SECTION 1 -- Ensure Mission Success in Space Operations:
Our space assets now are more important to warfighters,
more important to the intelligence community, and more important to our ability
to win current and future conflicts, than they ever have been before. Space
capabilities are integral to modern warfighting forces. They provide critical
surveillance and reconnaissance information, especially over areas of high risk
or denied access for airborne platforms. They provide weather and other space
and earth-observation data, global communications, missile warning, precision
navigation, and guidance to troops on the ground, ships at sea, aircraft in
flight, and weapons en route to targets. All of these space capabilities enable
the tremendous success our joint warfighters achieve during combat operations.
To support these critical national security activities,
ensuring mission success in space operations is of vital importance -- and we
anticipate a very busy year for national security space operations. We have 12
national security space launches scheduled for 2003, compared to only one
conducted in 2002. In addition to activities at launch bases, this increased
launch rate leads to a heightened state of readiness at our ground stations,
additional initial on-orbit checkout and housekeeping functions, and greater
challenges to integrate those 12 new spacecraft into existing constellations.
These launch operations include actions to sustain military satellite
communications with one Milstar and two Defense Satellite Communications
Systems (DSCS) launches this year. The first of the two DSCS satellites was
just launched this past Monday evening on board a Delta 4 EELV. We
conducted a successful launch of a GPS IIR in January. We have two more
IIR launches scheduled in 2003, and summer 2004 we will launch the first
modernized GPS IIR-M. This new IIR-M will add new civil and military
capabilities and is the first step towards improving GPS services to both the
military and civil users. We also have a projected launch for the Defense
Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) this summer as well as a Defense
Support Program (DSP) satellite early next year, and, in addition to these
launch activities, we continue to actively modernize and upgrade our launch and
test ranges on both coasts. Concurrent with all of these activities is the
critical need to keep on-orbit capabilities at peak performance. All of these
events are vital to national security, and we will make every effort to ensure
their success.
SECTION 2 -- Fully Integrate Space Capabilities for
Warfighting and National Intelligence:
There is a commonality between our intelligence collection
activities and our warfighting needs. A good example is the Air Force's Space
Based Infrared System High (SBIRS High) satellite in development, which will
replace the veteran DSP platform. It will perform the missile early warning
mission, and also provide extremely valuable additional capabilities. SBIRS
High will have two very highly capable infrared sensors capable of collecting
large amounts of information useful to the intelligence community. In addition,
it will significantly contribute to the Theater Ballistic Missile warning
There is also a significant amount of information our constellations
of NRO satellites collect on a daily basis that is crucial to warfighting
operations. We have made great progress over the decades in expanding the range
of those exploiting these space capabilities from a small set of strategic
users to multiple government agencies and virtually the entire warfighting
force. But we need to do more. Our goals for improved integration include
providing communications, environmental sensing, and precise position and
timing information to support a "common operational picture" of the
battlespace, and facilitating cross-platform command, control, and
communications. One way we will accomplish this is through programs like the
Combatant Commanders Integrated Command and Control (CCIC2S) Target System
Architecture in Cheyenne Mountain, which will provide an integrated battle
management system delivering a fused battlespace picture to strategic and
theater decision-makers.
SECTION 3 -- Get Space Acquisition Programs On Track
Our goal is to create an acquisition process that is both
credible and agile. We have made progress in this direction with our new 03-01
space acquisition policy, which I signed into interim guidance this month. This
new process recognizes the inherent differences of space systems. It allows us
to reduce our timeline, while maintaining the required depth of review. It
enables us to manage risk by looking for challenges early on. It eliminates
program management bureaucracy, giving our program managers the responsibility
and the resources to manage their programs. We expect there will be some
continuing risk in our programs. Our job is to manage those risks by giving our
people the necessary tools and ability to do so.
One tool we can give them is a world-class independent cost
estimation capability. Our vision is to form a National Security Space Cost
Assessment Team to provide a useful, accurate and timely independent cost
estimate with common methodology in support of space acquisition. The team
would consist of experts knowledgeable on the unique challenges facing space
programs. The Director of OSD CAIG and I are working together to accomplish
this task. He has also agreed to lead the National Security Space Cost
Estimating Team.
Another valuable resource to reduce program risk is
management reserve. We want to give our program managers the flexibility to
meet the unknown challenges that arise in virtually every program. Such
resources are not intended to meet unforeseen requirements, but to address
technical challenges. This will enable us to provide greater stability in our
programs, reducing risk and increasing our ability to deliver on time and on
budget. Further, a dedicated, fenced reserve does not just help one program --
it helps our entire portfolio of programs. Currently, we pull money from a
stable program to solve problems in an unstable program, and then we ask for
more money to fix the initially stable program. In other words, we will break
one program just to fix another. This is not how a good business runs; we must
make these changes or we will continue to experience delays, overruns, and
instability in our acquisition programs.
We have been successful in getting our major space programs
back on track. The SBIRS High program successfully completed its rebaselining
in January 2003. In that program, stronger government oversight has replaced
Total System Performance Responsibility (TSPR), and Earned Value Management
System (EVMS) enhancements have combined industry best practices with increased
program office supervision. I personally chair a quarterly meeting with General
Lance Lord (AFSPC/CC) and company presidents, ensuring consistent leadership
involvement in the program. We have introduced contract improvements to more
effectively reward positive performance, and added numerous new incentives for
effective management, systems engineering, timely delivery of capabilities, and
cost performance. While challenges still remain, I have much more confidence in
SBIRS High than I did a year ago.
SECTION 4 -- Pursue Operationally Responsive Assured Access
to Space:
Last year was a pivotal year for space launch -- both of
our new Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicles (EELV), the Atlas family and the
Delta family, had their first successful launches in 2002. While I am
encouraged by their success, each of our launch providers is suffering due to
the current weakness in the commercial launch marketplace. Since maintaining
two launch providers is critical to assuring access to space for our national
security programs, we will continue to grow our EELV capability for near term
assured access. The government has four EELV launches scheduled for CY03. We
have budgeted $163.9M for assured access initiatives in FY04, $538.8M across
the FYDP, including (1) infrastructure sustainment, which covers
facilities, critical skills, maintenance, leases and supplier readiness; (2) critical
component engineering, which improves reliability of critical components
from common suppliers or components that have been historically problem or risk
areas, (3) pre-post mission engineering, which provides new capabilities
tools or resources to increase effectiveness of EELV practices and processes,
and (4) RL-10 engine producibility, which involves investment to
increase the producibility and reliability of the RL-10 engine, common to both
the Atlas V and Delta IV vehicles.
Our EELVs are the best expendable launch vehicles the world
has ever seen, but they still lack the responsiveness necessary to ensure our
ability to rapidly replenish critical on-orbit capabilities. Today we still
talk about time on the launch pad in terms of weeks, perhaps months, to prepare
a satellite for launch. If we intend to have operationally responsive assured
access to space, we need to find ways to bring that cycle time from weeks and
months down to hours and days. One way is to pursue simpler, lower-cost small
expendable launch systems. Accordingly, we are pursuing $24.4M for
Operationally Responsive Spacelift in FY04, $233.8M across the FYDP, and are
planning a lower-cost responsive spacelift technology demonstrator in FY07.
The other aspect of operationally responsive assured access
to space comes in the form of reusable spacecraft, or reusable launch systems.
I believe the nation needs to embark on a course to an eventual fully reusable
Single-Stage-to-Orbit launch capability. The capability may be a long way off,
and there will certainly be intermediate steps, but we need to begin to chart
the path now. I plan to engage NASA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency, other DoD laboratories, and the broader space community in developing a
technology roadmap to do just that. This roadmap will guide investing in a
portfolio of research projects and technology demonstrations in propulsion,
materials and structures, with increased funding beginning in FY05.
SECTION 5 -- Develop a Team of Space Professionals:
I know that General Lance Lord considers developing the
space workforce a high priority item at Air Force Space Command, and he is
putting the finishing touches right now on his space professional strategy. I
am confident we will see some excellent ideas, plans, and resources brought to
bear on this issue.
In the meantime, we have taken a number of steps within the
Air Force to attract and retain top talent. We introduced a Critical Skills Retention
Bonus for scientists and engineers, similar to the bonuses we offer pilots, to
increase retention in those career fields. We are establishing new requirements
for advanced education, including courses for all space professionals and
advanced space training for specific mission areas. We are also using the Naval
Postgraduate School and the Air Force Institute of Technology to build a joint
program using the particular strengths of each school to allow space
professionals to receive a graduate education spanning a broad spectrum of
space activities.
I also recognize these efforts are not and must not be
limited to just Air Force personnel. We will need space professionals in all
services and agencies -- and in our civilian and industry workforce -- to
exploit space effectively in the interests of national security. I will
encourage the other services and agencies to join us as we begin to build this
initial "space cadre." In doing so, we will actively engage with all
the services to meet their mission and development needs.
SECTION 6 -- Pursue Innovative Capabilities for National
Intelligence and Defense Priorities:
One focus of this priority is on the development of
breakthrough technologies that would produce new sources and methods for
collecting intelligence. Our goal is transparency -- we want the ability to see
everything and know everything, while simultaneously denying our adversaries
both the ability to do the same, and the knowledge that such capabilities are
being used against them. We want to always be one step, or more, ahead of our
adversaries -- to be first to see, first to understand, and first to act. To
achieve this ambitious goal, we look to technological advances to preserve our
asymmetric advantage in information superiority against the full spectrum of
threats and adversaries.
In addition to the push for new sources and methods, we
have two other very innovative, creative, technology-pushing initiatives
underway. The first is the Transformational Communications Architecture (TCA). TCA
will combine upcoming spaceborne communications systems (AEHF, Wideband
Gapfiller Satellite) with future systems (Transformational Satellite, or T-SAT)
that will leverage new technologies such as laser communications and
internet-based protocols to dynamically distribute communications amongst
users. The ultimate goal is to remove SATCOM bandwidth and access as
constraints on the warfighter. We anticipate this new architecture will
increase available bandwidth from 10 to 100 times existing capacity -- all of
which will be essential to persistent ISR such as Space Based Radar (SBR) and
advanced Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The President's budget includes $439M
for TCA in FY04, $12.5B across the FYDP, with a T-SAT first launch targeted for
The second initiative is the SBR program, which will give
warfighters the ability to surveil as well as reconnoiter deep into denied
areas, day or night. SBR will be part of a larger mix of air, space, and ground
ISR assets, all of which together have the potential to revolutionize
warfighter command and control. In the budget, the $274.1M for SBR in FY04
continues technology risk reduction activities while completing concept
definition, with $4.4B across the FYDP in pursuit of a FY12 first launch.
SECTION 7 -- Enhance Space Control Capabilities:
I described earlier how our space systems give our
warfighters and intelligence analysts a very significant capability advantage.
There is little doubt in my mind that our potential adversaries have taken note
of this, and that, in the future, our space capabilities may be threatened by
them. We must prepare to protect our advantage in space by developing space
control capabilities.
The first ingredient for successful control of space is awareness
of the space environment: natural phenomena, spacecraft "traffic,"
and potential threats (whether natural or manmade) to our space systems. We
have taken steps to increase our space situation awareness capabilities,
including the standup of a Space Situation Awareness Integration Office in Air
Force Space Command, and significant funding for space surveillance assets over
the next five years. An example is our Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS)
satellite program, which will augment ground-based space surveillance capabilities.
The first launch of SBSS is planned for FY06, accelerated four years earlier
than in the FY03 PB. We have also budgeted $134.8M for the Air Force Spacetrack
modernization program in FY04, with $1.5B over the FYDP. Effective space
control also requires protection of our space capabilities, a mission
area we call Defensive Counterspace (DCS). An example of our efforts in this
area is the Rapid Attack, Identification, Detection, and Reporting System
(RAIDRS), planned for initial operational capability (IOC) in FY08. RAIDRS will
enable detection, reporting, identification, location, and classification of
attacks against valuable space assets.
Achieving effective space control also requires us to think
about denying the high ground to our adversaries through Offensive
Counterspace (OCS). With the integration of space capabilities across the
spectrum of our own warfighting operations, we have been paving the road of
21st century warfare, and others, cognizant of the asymmetric advantages our
space systems give us, will soon follow. We currently have two OCS projects
underway. The first is the Counter Communication System (CCS), a capability
intended to disrupt satellite-based communications used by an enemy for
military C3, and scheduled for first delivery in FY04. The second is the
Counter Surveillance Reconnaissance System (CSRS), intended to impair an
enemy's ability to obtain targeting, battle damage assessment, and information
by denying their use of satellite imagery with reversible, non-damaging effects.
CSRS is currently in the initial design phase, with operational units scheduled
by FY07. Our commitment to DCS and OCS is $91.4M in FY04, and approximately
$635M over the FYDP.
SECTION 8 -- Focus Space Science and Technology Resources
and Programs:
If we are to truly transform our warfighting and
intelligence operations, we must continue to invest in and focus our space
Science and Technology (S&T) efforts. Much of what we have accomplished in
National Security Space to date stems from past S&T investment and
development. Sometimes apportioning resources to S&T development can be
difficult -- such development requires stable long-term investment and
typically does not provide immediate benefits to current programs. But we
remain committed to investing today for our future capabilities -- we must push
the technology envelope.
Investment alone will not ensure that the United States
military and intelligence community has preeminent future space capabilities.
We must improve our S&T planning to ensure we: (1) encourage an operational
pull that conveys to the S&T community a clear vision of the capabilities
we need for the future; (2) address the full spectrum of future needs in a
balanced and well-thought out manner; and (3) determine ways to demonstrate and
spin-off promising technologies to programs.
Another ingredient critical to effective S&T
development is collaboration. We have a number of outstanding organizations
contributing to space science and technology development, including the Air
Force Research Laboratory, the Naval Research Laboratory, and the NRO's
Advanced Science and Technology directorate. By bringing these organizations
together, and working with other agencies such as DARPA and NASA, we can move
forward faster without duplicating effort.
Space capabilities are vital to the current and future
warfighting force structure, and to our national intelligence collection
efforts. They are inherently global and uniquely capable of supporting our
global interests and responsibilities. Likewise, as the world changes, our
ability to understand events, to shape security relationships, to project
power, and to deter and/or compel adversaries will increasingly depend on
space. These circumstances collectively present us all with a tremendous
responsibility -- a responsibility to do the right thing for the future of
space, and to ensure those critical capabilities are there, and on-time. It is
our commitment to effectively and decisively deliver these capabilities for the
good of the nation.