After considering the inputs I received from members of the Space Group over the last few months and discussing the future of the Group with USAFA facuty and staff and AOG leadership in Colorado Springs, it's pretty clear that the Group should continue to operate. I was very encouraged by the importance some members placed on the potential of this virtual organization. The Academy faculty also expressed a strong opinion that the Space Group has and can continue to provide useful support. Finally, Jim Shaw, AOG President, strongly encouraged us to remain in operation. So that decision is pretty easy.
How should we function and what should we do? I had the chance to briefly address the attendees at the recent Graduate Leadership Conference on the benefits of a virtual affinity group like the Space Group, and several other grads asked me for guidance about setting up similar groups in other domains. It's a structure that works. So I propose we continue to function virtually.
Check out our web site (, especially the discussion forum and reference material, if you haven't recently done so. There's some good stuff there, and it could be even more useful if more folks participate.
If you look closely, you'll see a note about the fact that the Space Group has been asked to help with the establishment of the Center for Space and Defense Studies, to be hosted at the Academy, which will "provide the intellectual foundation for the integration of space policy in the overall national security policy of the United States, define the curriculum for space policy studies in higher education, and produce successive generations of Air Force officers with a vocation for space." This is a great opportunity, and the Dean, Brig Gen Dana Born, and Jim Shaw both encouraged our participation. This is an initiative that is consistent with inputs I received from several of you that we should be more active in development of military space policies. Who wants to help?
The web site also contains some good newsy and thoughtful submittals from many of you. Keep it up.
There is a lot of activity going on at USAFA to integrate space awareness in the Academy experience. Our forum will continue to be a good way to keep up with these developments.
I want to particularly commend the leadership that Lt Col Dave Swanson has brought to the Academy's Space Working Group. Dave's reports have kept us in the loop, and we thank him for that, too.
There will be a new head of the Astro Department soon. Col Mike DeLorenzo, the outgoing head, has been a great supporter of our activities, and we certainly should thank him, too. We wish him the best for a successful and rewarding future. The new leader (not yet formally named as far as I know) will likely also be very supportive. In return, we should continue to support the Department. Some of you have participated in the FalconSat program. Others have donated models and equipment. Thanks. Keep it up.
We can also work with other departments. For example, a space history symposium is planned for next year. And the space doctrine and other military courses are moving from the Commandant to the Dean. But strong military training in space operations continues.
We can also continue to support cadet clubs that focus on space. This is an area where we haven't been as successful as we'd like. It's hard to work directly with cadets, but with local help, we can do better. Who can help?
I also found lots of support for our concept of providing mentors/advisors for faculty and cadets who want to know more about space careers. A secret here is we need to better advertise this service at USAFA. Have any of you who put your resumes on our web site been contacted? Who'd like to shepherd this activity?
These are just some of the things we can do.
I also found interest in holding face-to-face meetings of the Space Group. How does C-Springs sound? Maybe during the annual Space Symposium, as we did several years ago. What do you think?
Obviously, we need more local support from members of the Group in the Springs. Volunteers?
And what about our structure? Who volunteers to lead this Group in the future? Our By-Laws are very flexible, and the formal demands are few. Unless I see some hands, you're stuck with me, and I 'm very willing to pass the electronic gavel.
Tina has been the hardest working member, handling administrative and webmaster tasks. Who wants to help in these areas?
So we'll press on. There's been tremendous progress in space-related activites in the Air Force and at the Academy since this group was formed. And, despite problems and disappointments, the future will be much more productive and exciting.
So let's stay in touch.
As aways, I look forward to your feedback.
Stan Rosen '69